Event Suggestions

Your valuable input & suggestions will help us create an engaging & diverse calendar of events that cater to your specific interests & preferences. Together, we can elevate the member experience & ensure that our club remains a vibrant & thriving community.

Don't miss the opportunity to contribute your valuable suggestions & recommendations for our event programming, including the chance to recommend exceptional guest speakers for our Enrichment Series!

Please provide your email address so we can reach out to you and discuss your event suggestion further. We value your insights and look forward to continuing the conversation with you.
In case there is an issue with the email address provided, please provide us with your phone number as a backup method of contacting you. This will ensure that we can reach you following your submission.
Please use the space below to provide us with detailed information about your event suggestion. Feel free to elaborate on your idea, including any specific themes, activities, or concepts you have in mind. We appreciate your input and look forward to hearing your creative suggestions.