Membership Inquiry

Join our community and enjoy the benefits of membership. We look forward to learning more about you in your membership application!

Admission Process

  • Step 1

    Submit a Request for Application form. The Membership Committee reviews the request and considers whether the candidate fits the criteria and values of the club.

  • Step 2

    If the Membership Committee approves the request, the candidate is provided with their Official Membership Application Form, a FAQ sheet, and the current Fee Schedule. The Membership Committee Chair reviews the application and supporting materials submitted by the candidate(s) to determine whether their applications are complete.

  • Step 3

    Once the Official Membership Application is submitted, it is posted for vetting in the clubhouse for 30 days. During this time, Members of the Club have the opportunity to review the candidate’s application and provide feedback to the Board of Directors.

  • Step 4

    At the conclusion of the vetting process (30 days), the Board of Governors will vote on new candidates. If the vote is in favor of the new candidate(s), the admissions process is complete, and the candidate is informed of their acceptance to the Club.